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homeopathic medicine for weakness in legs

Eat bananas Bananas are a great source of natural sugars namely; sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Jerking, twitching, and talking during sleep with frequent waking, are other indications for Sulphur. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. Legs and back jerk out and go to sleep easily. This change in blood flow and oxygenation causes a feeling of dullness, drowsiness and fatigue after eating. The Mastitis is characterized by unilateral tenderness in breast with localized warmth, swelling, and Pulsatilla can be used to correct mal-presentation of the foetus. People needing Causticum often have a tendency toward chronic problems with muscles and tendons, contractures, and muscle weakness. Amylenum nit. Amylenum nit. The back pain may radiate down the legs and feet in some cases, but the person will surely feel a weakness in the legs, a sure sign that Cobaltum will provide sustained relief. The choice of the remedy will depend upon the cause and the totality of symptoms. It is also useful in the management of: Sciatica Knee pain WebGelsemium is a beneficial remedy for the sore muscles. Muscle weakness attended with deep-seated muscle pains is indicative of its use. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural treatment for muscle weakness. Muscle weakness arising from overstraining the muscles also indicates the use of Arnica Montana. The main problem is as follows. #2 Calc fluor 6X pelvic floor weakness#6 Kali phos 6X stress and nervous incontinence#7 Kali sulph 6X hormonal weakness incontinence. After we eat food, especially a heavy lunch or dinner, the blood supply from our brain and limbs decreases and the blood supply in our stomach and intestine increases to facilitate digestions. Enjoy Regular Walking 3. There may be trembling in the legs, numbness, crawling, and a pricking sensation. Walking worsens it, making the person want to sit down. Exhaustion confines the person to the bed. Energy levels are very low in such cases. Staphysagria is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for weakness from sexual excesses. Recommended Homeopathic medicines for weakness are China, Kali Phos, Cocculus Indicus and Gelsemium. People who experience severe, persistent, or worsening weakness in the legs should book an appointment with their doctor. There appears fullness in hands when the person tries to grasp anything. (Thrice a day): Pain down the front part of the thigh. 1. Heres what you can do at home to overcome leg weakness. #Acetic acid. It. We also provide information on when to see a doctor. She is very weak and do not take complete food or other related items. The person remains restless at night. Amylenum nit. Hello Dr Sharma Weak memory, forgetfulness and nerve tire are all indicative symptoms for using Kali Phos. Kaiium carb. Before her marriage, she was very much active, & was climbing the hills, walking very fast for a KM distance. Motion worsens it. Besides weakness in the legs, hands, or arms, other potential symptoms of spinal compression include: The treatment for spinal compression depends on the cause and any associated symptoms. +91-6283487321. (Thrice a day): Must stretch legs for hours together. I am at the age of 56 yrs. (Thrice a day): Soreness of the thighs. The best natural Homeopathic remedies for heaviness of legs along with the appearance of Varicose Veins are Carbo Vegetabilis and Lachesis. ONOSMODIUM 30 - Onosmodium is an ideal Homeopathic remedy for Chronic Fatigue patients who have head or vision complaints along with exhaustion. Muscle soreness, injuries, sunburns, and nerve damage can all cause a burning sensation in the legs. (Thrice a day): Numbness of legs on crossing them. Patient has pain in shoulders, arms and hands. Trembling of hands and legs (that feel fatigued and tired from little exercise) are other symptoms. Find out more, Leg cramps occur when one or more leg muscles involuntarily contract, causing intense pain and temporary disability. You can also take a supplement, but only after consulting a doctor. Blackstrap Molasses 7. These sugars can effectively give you a quick and substantial energy boost. They are considered the most effective Homeopathic medicines for weakness, exhaustion and debility from involuntary semen discharge while urinating, while passing stool or during sleep. It also may prevent blood clotting and acts as an antioxidant. later on we have consulted many more Drs both allopathic, Ayurevedic, & Homoepahy. Silicea (Thrice a day): Loss of power in legs. They are often very sensitive to other peoples feelings, and are prone to nervous stress. This, in turn, leads to muscle weakness. Prompt treatment can be life-saving. Worse by slight touch but better by hard pressure. Thank you for any help. His rear legs are thinner and weaker than his front legs, when he walks he is wobbly and at times tries to keep his weight off his left rear leg and lets in slide under his body from time to time. The increase in blood flow can bring more nutrients to your worn-out leg muscles and may help repair the damage. She is also Associate Professor, HoD and PG Guide at S.K. (2) Also, bananas contain potassium, a mineral your body requires to convert sugar into energy. This may cause weakness in the legs. Case report: A 54-year-old man presented with recurrence of a swollen left ankle and lower leg, which had previously been treated by conventional medicine. Get a leg massage. Within six months of treatment her overall health improved greatly (better quality sleep and digestion) and the carpal tunnel syndrome became a thing of the past. Staphysagria (Thrice a day): Muscles of calves feel bruised. Use Causticum to calm twitching, restless legs that are worse at night and feel better from warmth. (5) with the help of walker she is walking. There is the greatest general debility with this remedy; the patient is too weak to maintain his position in bed, and so slips down to the foot of the bed all in a heap and must be lifted into position frequently; inability to void the urine unless the bowels move is present, thus showing the prostration. Causticum is also indicated for muscle weakness in the hands and fingers. You can also take a supplement, but only after consulting a doctor. Homeopathic medicines for leg pain Capsicum Annuum Common Name: Cayenne pepper Symptoms: Spicy and flavourful, this remedy is primarily used to treat muscle pain, sudden jerks or muscle pulls and general chilliness. If a person with restless leg syndrome is very anxious and tends to panic, this remedy may be soothing. WebHomeopathic medicines for muscle weakness works very effectively to restore the strength back into the muscles. Colocynth Pain that radiates from hip to calf, esp in left leg, is accompanied by numbness and is better by warmth. Alumina (Thrice a day): Legs feel asleep when sitting with legs crossed. Sir/Madam I am 74 yrs being 75 completing feeling weakness while walking in the morning only. Functional debility from loss of fluids, sexual excesses, etc.,or debility when convalescing from acute diseases with much sinking at epigastrium. Running, swimming, jogging, biking, trekking, and leg strengthening exercises a few times a week may also help. Phytolacca dec. (Thrice a day): Pain in the legs. Fish, mutton, chicken or rabbit can be helpful. The symptoms of ALS appear gradually and can be very different for each person. The choice of the remedy will depend upon the cause and the totality of symptoms. Other symptoms may include: The symptoms of GBS may appear over several hours, days, or weeks. Homeopathic medicines for leg pain Capsicum Annuum Common Name: Cayenne pepper Symptoms: Spicy and flavourful, this remedy is primarily used to treat muscle pain, sudden jerks or muscle pulls and general chilliness. Sepia (Thrice a day): Legs lame and stiff. According to the CDC, stroke affects more than 795,000 people in the U.S. each year. Tarentula his. . Feels relieved in doing so. Problems brought on by grief or emotional stress often respond to this remedy. Zincum met. Extremities feel beaten up. I have consulted experts who suggest operation of spine as having lower back pain. The exchange of signals between the muscle and nervous system takes place at the neuromuscular junction. These symptoms may vary depending on the underlying disease, disorder or condition. #Muriatic acid. The information presented here is for informational purposes only and was created by a team of USregistered dietitians and food experts. Homeopathy natural remedies for fatigue, weakness, chronic fatigue causes, diagnosis, treatment and cure for weakness. Ruling Out Emergencies pl do needful sir & is any medicine is avilable in market for curing this SMA. Apple Cider Vinegar 8. Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines. This can cause nerve irritation that leads to: A herniated disk is a common cause of lower back and leg pain. #Laurocerasus. Kali Phos is one of the top listed Homeopathic medicines for weakness of nervous origin. A person should go to the emergency room if they lose bladder or bowel control, or experience other severe symptoms of a herniated disk. Some potential treatment options for myasthenia gravis include: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease in which the motor neurons that control voluntary muscle movement break down and stop functioning. WebDog rear leg weakness is often accompanied by pain. Here are some home remedies for weakness. China is most helpful among Homeopathic medicines for weakness where anaemia and weakness follows childbirth. All in all he gets around ok, we go for short walks in the yard and he walks around in the house. Learn about some possible causes of tired legs and how to get relief from this symptom. Possible signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include: Without treatment, peripheral neuropathy can cause long-term nerve damage. In such cases, the person feels better while walking or lying down. Thank you Doctor. (Thrice a day): Soreness of the thighs. Muscle weakness is severe and progressive. The thighs also feel weak and heavy. The person is unable to walk and has a staggering gait. It could be part of a generalized feeling of weakness all over your body, or you may develop a fault in one or both legs. This remedy can be helpful if a person has restless legs with sensations of burning and aching, and cramps in the calves and feet. In such cases, the patient gets relief by lying down or resting. Diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems and myasthenia gravis are a few medical conditions that lead to much weakness. Easy fatigue, exhaustion, inability to perform any mental or physical labour, sexual debility. Belladonna (Thrice a day): Jerking of the limbs during sleep. 1. I am 30 yrs. Use of Kali Phos is also considered in cases of muscle weakness present in chronic fatigue syndrome. #Anacardium. This article outlines the various causes of weakness in the legs and their associated treatment options. Picric Acid is a well-indicated remedy for muscle weakness in the legs. Weakness and pain in the legs or decreased muscle strength can harm your quality of life. , , . (2) walking is very difficult (3) Shivering in both hands. Weakness from mental stress and worry also point towards prescription of Kali Phos. These medicines have shown remarkable recovery in case of weakness, making the person feel energetic and rejuvenated. (6) She cannot able to stand properly , but with the help of splints she can walk with one person support. The symptoms of weakness tend to come on gradually rather than suddenly. The person may experience debility and exhaustion from the slightest amount of over-work. 200 (One dose daily): Legs feel heavy as if made of wood or glass. Ambra Grisea is rated among the most useful Homeopathic medicines for weakness in aged people with sluggish bodily functions. Is there any homoeopathic treatment for its revival. So, spend some time under the sun in the morning daily and eat more vitamin D-rich foods to get enough of this nutrient. Hanging down of legs cause aggravation in pain and gives a feeling as if they would burst. L3-L4 L5 S1 affected by compression report from mri plate what will I do sir? Such symptoms could signal a stroke or other life-threatening illnesses. Lycopodium Sciatica pain in left leg. Homeopathic medicine Kali Carb has aided recovery in several cases of post-childbirth weakness. Homeopathic Medicine for Leg Problems Agaricus mus. People who develop DOMS after a leg workout may also experience temporary weakness in the legs. People may also benefit from medications to alleviate nerve pain. However, a sudden leg weakness could signify potentially life-threatening conditions, such as a. . (Thrice a day): Must stretch legs for hours together. #Phosphoric acid [Phos] The following homeopathic remedies have symptoms of weakness or fatigue. I have suffered from severe case of Myasthenia Gravis for several years and all the traditional medicines are not providing much improvement. #2 Calc fluor 6X pelvic floor weakness#6 Kali phos 6X stress and nervous incontinence#7 Kali sulph 6X hormonal weakness incontinence. I reside in bangalore, r.r.nagar 560059. Please in homeopathy the medicine ,the doctors tell, to be stopped when the symptoms improve what should i do when i am suffering life long disease like diabetes and high blood pressure and essential tremmer which are never cured.? Nveda Joint Support (90 Tablets) Out of Stock. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. Zincum val. (Thrice a day): Has a disposition to keep lower limbs uncovered. Weakness is a symptom used to describe a number of different conditions, including: lack of muscle strength, malaise, dizziness or fatigue. (Thrice a day): Soreness of the thighs. Loss of muscle power in legs and extreme weakness from walking short distance is present. Chinese Red Peony Root Peony is thought to block chemicals that cause muscle cramps, alleviating painful or stiff hindquarters. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label. Can you please suggest a remedy that can help me, I am 72 yrs old with type 2 diabetes in control. A debility that sets in after mental emotions, grief, sorrow, home-sickness or disappointments, with emaciation, night sweats, drowsiness, etc., will call for Phosphoric acid. Shooting pain in the legs may arise. WebHomeopathic Medicines For Numbness Feet and Legs: Agaricus Muscaris: Agaricus Muscaris is useful for numbness of feet and legs arising from a spinal injury. (Thrice a day): The hollow of knee is painful on motion. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient. Why do I feel pain after exercise? Quiet and fresh air tends to improve symptoms, while a warm room worsens things. The person needing this medicine has weakness in the arm and leg muscles. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered. Check out some of the best home remedies to strengthen weak legs. Written by Tavishi Dogra |Updated : June 14, 2022 12:02 AM IST. Ruta: This effective homeopathic medicine is used for treating swollen ankles occurring from a sprain, which is an overstretching of the ligaments. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. Sichuan Lovage Rhizome Corydalis is a known pain reliever and is also known to increase blood flow. Crataegus. Weakness and pain in the legs or decreased muscle strength can harm your quality of life. ONOSMODIUM 30 - Onosmodium is an ideal Homeopathic remedy for Chronic Fatigue patients who have head or vision complaints along with exhaustion. Patients From rest of the world and India call Patient trembles from every motion, wants to lie or sit continually can scarcely move a hand. Eat bananas Bananas are a great source of natural sugars namely; sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Alumina (Thrice a day): Legs feel asleep when sitting with legs crossed. window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({ mode: "thumbnails-m", container: "taboola-mid-article-thumbnails", placement: "Mid Article Thumbnails", target_type: "mix" });window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({flush: true}); Studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to muscle weakness. WebFor this reason, we present a case in which homeopathy was used to treat an ankle and lower leg for spontaneous acute swelling and redness. Appear too short. Many homeopathic physicians suggest that medicines be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. Cannot keep them still in spite of pain. The treatment depends on its underlying cause. Fatigue after eating. The increase in blood flow can bring more nutrients to your worn-out leg muscles and may help repair the damage. To consult her online, visit: https://www.doctorbhatia.com/asha-homeopathy/, Login | About | Terms | Privacy | Disclaimer | Copyright | Contact, Copyright 2023. Comments are closed, but trackbacks and pingbacks are open. It corresponds to a nervous debility especially. Hamamelis, China and Carbo Veg are considered three highly valuable Homeopathic medicines for weakness following bleeding. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is muscle pain that occurs around 12 days after physical activity. A person should see a doctor right away if they experience symptoms of GBS. Pareira brava (Thrice a day): Pain in the upper part of the side of the thigh. (2) Also, bananas contain potassium, a mineral your body requires to convert sugar into energy. The menses are profuse, long lasting, followed by marked weakness. Symptoms are worse in bed at night and often improve with warmth. Rhododendron ch. Gelsemium (Thrice a day): Dislocation of patella with loss of power of muscular control. It could be part of a generalized feeling of weakness all over your body, or you may develop a fault in one or both legs. Crataegus. Crocus sativus (Thrice a day): Weakness of legs and knees. Cannot keep the legs still. There is muscle weakness with lameness throughout the body. The following home treatments may help to alleviate the symptoms of DOMS: A herniated disk is where a disk in the spine becomes damaged and puts pressure on the spinal cord and nearby nerves. A profound debility with a tendency death ward is often met by this remedy with its general, waxy skin, etc. There is a loss of strength in the body. except forgetfulness. (Thrice a day): Mostly keeps legs moving. I m suffering from weakness, insomnia, flatulence and constipation. Hydrocephalus is a condition in which excessive accumulation of fluid builds up in your brain. There is tiredness felt in the neck, back, shoulders and wrist. ONOSMODIUM 30 - Onosmodium is an ideal Homeopathic remedy for Chronic Fatigue patients who have head or vision complaints along with exhaustion. China has shown excellent results where weakness appears following diarrhoea. (2017). The hand muscles also lack strength. Homeopathic treatment depends on the symptoms and severity of the condition. #Ambra. Massaging your legs, if done correctly, can help stimulate blood circulation at the affected site. Carbo Vegetabilis is the top Homeopathic cure for Varicose Veins with heaviness of legs. Post making the payment you will be asked about the disease and the symptoms of your disease. Homeopathy Medical College. in a glass of warm water and a little honey and lemon juice. WebSuitable Homeopathic medicines for weakness in elderly people include Ambra Grisea and Conium. Running, swimming, jogging, biking, trekking, and leg strengthening. Peripheral artery disease (PAD), which causes narrowing of the blood vessels and arteries, can lead to poor circulation in your legs. (Thrice a day): Lameness, weakness, trembling and twitching of legs. Sometimes, weakness in the legs may signal an underlying medical condition that requires treatment. , back, shoulders and wrist radiates from hip to calf, in. Medical conditions that lead to much weakness improve with warmth, chicken or can. Homeopathic cure for weakness following bleeding for a response of ALS appear gradually and be... Very anxious and tends to panic, this remedy with its general waxy. Labour, sexual debility has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken a staggering.! After consulting a doctor Veg are considered three highly valuable Homeopathic medicines weakness! 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homeopathic medicine for weakness in legs