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how many motorcycle accidents caused by grass clippings

It can become impossible to control the motorcycle safely. This is a decrease of 5.6% from the year before. The faster a motorcycle is going, the less time a rider has to react to hazards in the road. If you hire a gardener to tend your lawn, make sure the service doesnt deposit the grass in the street. Unfortunately, it is possible that these crashes will be fatal or produce very serious injuries. Clippings reduce traction, which causes loss of control, which causes an accident. In 2017, motorcycle riders were 27 times more likely than car drivers and passengers to die in motorcycle-related accidents per mile traveled. If you must dispose of your grass clippings, bag them up and put them in the trash. Motorcyclists may have to take safety measures to avoid wiping out. First and foremost, grass is 85% water content which makes it highly slippery. How to Polish Aluminum Motorcycle Parts A Comprehensive Guide, How to Adjust Motorcycle Suspension for Your Weight. Illinois imposed a $1,500 fine as the standard state penalty for people who commit grass clipping littering for first time offenders. ", Battery / September 17, 2022 by Jones (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases) . Whether it is a free case review or representing you in court, our legal team is here to help you. Always ride defensively and be prepared for anything that might come your way. However, women are a part of these statistics even when theyre not riding, often sitting in the passenger seats. Grass clippings are not a natural phenomenon they are caused by people mowing their lawn. (1) Alcohol-impaired driving crashes are crashes that involve at least one driver or a motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 grams per deciliter or greater, the legal definition of alcohol-impaired driving. On reflection: according to the chain of events recounted, the grass clippings did not cause the accident. This means that almost one-third of all riders who were killed in crashes had been drinking prior to getting on their bike. These were not novice riders; however, many seasoned riders know how easy it is to lose control when encountering grass clippings in the road Many riders know people who have been injured or killed because of it. Grass clippings do cause motorcycle accidents in Charlotte. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. In Virginia, leaving grass clippings in the road isn't just dangerous; it's also against the law.. For this reason, bikers are more likely to be killed or at least injured in a crash. General Estimates System (GES). ", Yes, its true! However, one wrong move can put both motorcycle riders and car drivers in extreme jeopardy. Preventing your lawns grass clippings from ending up on the road is easy. While speed limits are set for a reason, many riders choose to ignore them especially on highways and interstates. Try utilizing the clippings as garden bed mulch or animal feed. If you were injured in a motorcycle crash caused by road debris, seek legal help from the Houston motorcycle accident attorneys at The West Law Office, PLLC. problems for riders when they run over it and their tires can't get traction Even dry lawn debris creates a barrier between the concrete and tires which makes it more difficult to maneuver a motorbike. This is a paid advertisement for a network (national association) of independent law firms in various states who are members of the American Association of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers. Shorter travel time, high-speed performance, flexibility, and low cost are the most common reasons many people choose motorcycles as their primary mode of transport. It may surprise you to learn how many motorcycle accidents grass on the road can cause. Unfortunately, a lot of people are unaware of the potential risks a clump of moist grass can present when left on a roadway. "@context": "https://schema.org", Motorcycles are equipped with tires that have a good amount of tread on them, which helps to grip the road and prevent slipping. Unfortunately, due to the lack of awareness regarding this issue, many riders still get hurt in motorcycle crashes caused by piles of grass. caused a motorcyclist to suffer an injury or death. It opposes a high risk of fire non-present in crashes involving other vehicles. There are times when they miscalculate the distance of another vehicle from them, and with motorcycles being smaller than most vehicles, they are even less visible to car drivers. clippings by depositing them into the roadway, some local government Who Is Responsible When Grass Causes a Motorcycle Accident? While motorcycle riders are more likely to be involved in fatal road mishaps, several measures can ensure safety during the ride. Since grass clippings are majority water, when tires from a car or motorcycle have clippings between them and the roadway, things can get out of control pretty quick. Unfortunately, many riders allow themselves to become distracted by things like other vehicles, passengers, cell phones, etc. Historical Daily Fatality Report by County 2021. Motorcycles are by their nature far less crashworthy than closed vehicles. Sudden turns are responsible for about 40% of motorcycle accident deaths every year. The law requires homeowners to remove any clippings that end up on the road as quickly as possible. All rights reserved. Motorcycles are equipped with tires that have a good amount of tread on them, which helps to grip the road and prevent slipping. involves sweeping the sidewalk or curb or using a leaf blower to get rid of the grass clippings into the street. realize it, but grass clippings, especially freshly cut, are considered as much By David Nelson BUREAU COUNTY, Ill. (KWQC) - A motorcyclist has died after an accident on Saturday caused by grass clippings left in the road, according to witnesses. Please sign in to access member exclusive content. how many motorcycle accidents caused by grass clippings . "text": " Speeding Only in 1/1000 is the speed at 86 mph. The practice offers several benefits that would otherwise blow away in the wind. motorcyclist to lose traction. They do a great job of preventing death by almost 37%. Alcohol Use Although there For instance, understanding where motorcyclists should position themselves to be seen easier and motorcycle safety gears like how much force can a helmet take. They may slow down, switch lanes, or cross over a double yellow line to avoid grass clippings. But what about motorcycles? This is significantly higher than the 33% of car accidents that involved high and drunk drivers. Research shows that helmets are effective at reducing the risk of head injury by 69%. Who pays then? permission and does not immediately remove it; Negligently Case Results. If the road conditions are caused by someone's negligence, whether it is the" 4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. -Not paying attention to their surroundings The most common cause of motorcycle accidents is the failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic. Here's how: When a lawnmower cuts grass, the blades chop up the grass into tiny pieces. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Stay safe out there! "name": "Do Grass Clippings Really Cause Motorcycle Accidents? In April, Aaron Lee was killed in a motorcycle crash in Kentucky. If a motorcyclist is injured or killed in an accident involving your grass cuttings, they could seek to hold you liable in an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. The impact caused him to lose control of his motorcycle and crash. Motorcyclists may not be aware of how much traction have because grass contains 85% water. The problem then becomes how do we identify these spots as dangers before we ride through them? Problem solved. We would like to remind all readers to be extra careful when riding their motorcycles, especially in areas where there is potential for debris on the road. Riders using motorcycles equipped with anti-lock brakes are 31% less likely to be involved in fatal motorcycle accidents than riders who use motorcycles without this safety feature. 3715 Northside Pkwy NW Building 300, Suite 650 Atlanta, GA 30327, Fresh cut grass They may slow down, switch lanes, or cross over a double yellow line to avoid grass clippings. 92% of all riders involved in crashes are self-taught. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcycle accidents are on the rise. A total of conditions are one of the top 10 most common reasons Many experts consider freshly cut grass clippings as hazardous as sand, gravel, or similar substances. Most lawn care experts, as well as the New York Times and Popular Mechanics, will tell you that leaving grass clippings on your lawn to decompose naturally is beneficial, and results in a healthier lawn. The most common cause of motorcycle accidents is the failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Drivers who are not paying attention to the road may not realize that a motorcycle is approaching and fail to yield. You should speak with a licensed attorney about your particular case. road at the time of the incident, it could be that riding conditions were Before undertaking any legal action, it is advisable for plaintiffs to consult with motorcycle accident attorneys in Des Moines IA who specialize in motorcycle accidents, such as Tom Fowler Law. The most common mistakes made by riders are: By knowing these details, you can do a better job of protecting yourself and others while on the road. How Long Does A Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take? Unlike automobile drivers, bikers dont have the cars body as an additional layer of protection in case of accidents. View Archived Tables In addition, there were 88,000 motorcycle riders injured in traffic accidents in 2018. How Many Motorcycle Accidents Are Caused By Grass In The Road? Cutting the grass on a Sunday afternoon is an activity that often Negligently Men seem to be more into motorcycles than women, although women are present just as well. Second, motorcycles offer little protection to riders in the event of an accident. $745,000. Motorcyclists are less likely to encounter lawn clippings around urban areas. Cass County Highway Department Superintendent Jeff Smith agreed, saying grass clippings can cause multiple issues. The state of Tennessee does not mention any specific laws regarding grass clippings. If they can't switch lanes, avoid parked cars on a street or Also, you should position the mower chute to blow the grass clippings onto your lawn instead of the road. When the grass is wet, its challenging to find grip on any surfaces, especially those which are not as smooth as tarmac roads. jurisdictions determine and administer fines. Injuries are sustained in 90% of motorcycle accidents that involved riders who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol. But while fatalities have decreased, the number of injuries has increased. These pieces of grass are then blown onto the street or roadway. In a few states there are laws against blowing your grass Determining liability in these situations can be complex. A biker traveling at high speeds may fail to see these clippings in time, resulting in a motorcycle crash. In addition, in some states, it is illegal to dispose of lawn debris on roads because it blocks street drains and pollutes the environment. When grass clippings decompose, they release nutrients that can pollute waterways. 12, 2019 at 7:01 PM PDT. Inexperience, speeding, and alcohol use are the most common factors contributing to motorcycle crashes. The average speed of a motorcycle before the crash is 29.8 mph. Its often due to the fact that its dangerous for motorcyclists if not done right. Fuel leakage happens in 62% of accidents in the post-crash phase. This included everything from potholes to construction materials to, you guessed it, grass clippings. Otherwise, a motorcyclist may have to switch lanes, slow down, or cross into oncoming traffic lanes to avoid grass clippings in the road. Over the years, several reports and studies have proven that motorcycles are a dangerous form of transportation. The wet grass is also dangerous for motorcycles. authorities do prohibit placing anything on the road that could cause a hazard let me explain.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'knowmotorcycles_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-knowmotorcycles_com-medrectangle-3-0'); It is a fact that grass contributes to motorcycle accidents due to its 85% water content, so if you ride on a grassy surface you do not handle the motorcycle correctly especially when its wet, its slippery, just like it is on water. Please share it with friends on social media. The Illinois woman was thrown from her bike and died in the hospital two days later. Many municipalities have ordinances against this as well. Here are some statistics to back that up: U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) claims that motorcycles are more likely to be involved in crashes than cars. Motorcyclists are always on the lookout for dangerous road interferences such as oil slicks, frozen puddles, rocks, and potholes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 4,976 motorcycle accidents in the United States in 2016 that were caused by road debris. Just because riding a motorcycle comes with dangerous caveats does not mean you cannot lessen your chances of being fatally injured. However, there are some circumstances in which a motorcycle might slip on grass clippings, such as if the clippings are wet or if the bike is going too fast. Illinois man cited for grass clippings in road after fatal motorcycle crash #1 IROQUOIS, Jul 3, 2019. sidecarsam Gold Member. ", Grass may seem a harmless obstacle for the majority of vehicles on roads. Liable parties in motorcycle accidents caused by grass clippings . Quentin Blount Staff reporter; May 13, 2019 May 13, 2019 Updated May 13, 2019; 1 of 3 . It's yet another Out of all the states in the US, helmet use for all riders is mandatory in only 19 states and the District of Columbia. Some statistics can be quite helpful, while others are fun to know. If the grass is wet, it can cause the motorcycle to slide out from under the rider. Obviously, each case is based on different factors that resulted in a motorcycle accident upon which victims may file a personal injury claim. These riders lacked attention and had serious collision avoidance problems. In 2015, there were 8.6 million motorcycles registered in the United States a 3 percent increase from 2014. Contact Steelhorse Law to learn more. Additionally, motorcycles offer less protection than other vehicles in the event of a crash, which can lead to more serious injuries or even death for riders. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. how many motorcycle accidents caused by grass clippings. However, did you know that grass clippings laying on the road can also cause motorcycle crashes? As the grass grows, the number of motorcycles on the road grows too, and riders warn about the dangers of leaving clippings on the road. Depending on where you live, the law may hold you criminally and civilly responsible for any accidents that you cause by allowing your grass clippings to accumulate on a road. New York State law deems it illegal to leave grass on roads any injurious substances that can result in accidents. Lets take a closer look at each of these: Speeding: According to NHTSA data, 37% of fatally-injured motorcycle riders in 2015 were speeding at the time of the accident. If you're going to drink before getting on your bike, make sure you have a designated driver or plan to take public transportation home.." The NHTSA reports that alcohol use is a factor in approximately 37% of all fatal motorcycle accidents each year. Additionally, speeding makes it more difficult for other motorists to see motorcycles which can also lead to accidents.. which the public has access for swimming or wading, or on or within fifty feet If you ride for sport, then consider yourself forewarned that excess grass may cause you to lose control of your motorcycle if not done properly, just like ice on the roadway causes motorists to lose control if not handled correctly. While nothing can guarantee you safety, your odds of surviving a crash are much higher when you wear adequate riding gear. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Riding over grass clippings can be slippery and dangerous, and it is always better to err on the side of caution when riding a motorcycle." If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident, our experienced team of motorcycle accident attorneys can guide you through the complex legal process and help you receive fair and full compensation for your losses. speeding, alcohol use, and failure to wear a helmet are some of the most common causes. Take a few minutes to read some of the most staggering motorbike statistics. Generally, yard waste that blows onto You can also dump them in compost pits or put them in a green recycling bin. Do You Know a Motorcyclist Who Was Injured or Killed Due to Grass Clippings Deposited in the Road? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In the event of a motorcycle accident due only to grass clippings or other debris on the road, you could hold the responsible party liable for your injuries. affected. You might think riding over them would cause problems, but really it does much at all because grass has such low traction compared to say mud which would do more damage if one were to ride through it fast enough to lose control. But can victims of accidents seek compensation for damages? While this is far from an isolated occurrence, the death of a motorcyclist in another state this summer from a collision caused by grass clippings in the road illustrates the serious nature of the problem. a danger by authorities as gravel, sand, or other substances that can cause a If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident due to grass clippings or another person's carelessness, make sure to contact Ryan Montgomery today. If you go to a place where there is grass and bring a motorcycle you will see that clippings are everywhere. In many states and jurisdictions, it is illegal to deposit your grass clippings in the street. Motorcycles are smaller and more flexible, giving riders the ability to weave in and out of traffic jams by riding between cars. Free Case Consultations. Riders may suddenly find themselves at risk as they drive over the slick grass clippings, especially if they are going at top speed. Other causes of motorcycle accidents include bad weather, distracted driving, and bad road conditions. The two-wheeler concept represents an inherent safety weakness in the motorcycles design. Failure To Wear A Helmet: In states where helmets are not required by law, only 47% of motorcyclists were wearing one at the time of their fatal accident (compared to 74% who were wearing one in states with mandatory helmet laws). As Ive identified in my research, grass clippings can be dangerous for motorcycles. According to a recent study, grass clippings are one of the leading causes of motorcycle accidents. Sometimes it is poor road conditions. With the limited space, maneuvering around cars becomes more complex, and since lane splitting is illegal in many states, car drivers do not expect motorcycles to be riding next to them. U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, Marine Corps Safety and Force Preservation. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the leading cause of motorcycle accidents is rider error. This is because they are extremely slippery, even when theyre dry. A car fails to see you or judges your speed incorrectly, turning in front of you at an intersection. Inattentive driving accounts for over half of all motorcycle accidents. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pankey was ticketed for violation of 415 ILCS 105-4 under the Litter Control Act for mowing his grass clippings directly onto the road and covering an 1/8 to 1/4 of a mile of the roadway with grass. Tell us what happened and we will call you. Riding between two unmoving or slow traffic lanes is illegal in most states. Includes pickups, vans, truck-based station wagons and utility vehicles. 59% of women killed in bike crashes were passengers, although passenger-carrying bikes arent involved in accidents as much. In 2013, an Illinois man who left grass clippings on the road faced accusations of causing a motorcycle accident. Franklin County Sheriff's deputies responded to the crash on State Road 252 at the intersection of Whitcomb Road around 12:32 p.m. on Saturday. Only in 1/1000 is the speed at 86 mph. Slippery road Motorcycle accidents caused by lawn mowers and other garden equipment are among the most common types of crashes in the United States. Additionally, most motorcycle riders are experienced and know how to control their bikes in order to avoid slipping. motorcyclist to lose traction. As stated by the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, the biggest cause of deaths in motorcycle crashes is a head injury. All states have a In some cases, they may clean up as soon as they notice it but in others, they may not know its a problem until you make them aware of the situation.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'knowmotorcycles_com-leader-2','ezslot_7',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-knowmotorcycles_com-leader-2-0'); As always, if you feel like your life is threatened by any uncontrolled hazard then immediately take corrective action to avoid an accident. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. However, if you are riding your motorcycle and you come across a large patch of grass clippings, it is best to avoid them if possible. We may be able to help you seek compensation for your damages and losses. Milwaukee motorcycle accident statistics. This is a tragic story and our thoughts go out to the victims family and friends. If caught of guard, this can lead to an accident. When debris, such as grass clippings appear on a roadway, they can come between the motorcycle's tire and the road, reducing traction and causing the driver to lose control of the motorcycle. Paying attention to the fact that its dangerous for motorcycles personal injury claim form Transportation., bikers dont have the cars body as an additional layer of protection in case of accidents into tiny.! In this browser for the next time I comment 90 % of women killed in a motorcycle with... Speak with a licensed attorney about your particular case at 86 mph deposit! Statistics can be complex depositing them into the street in extreme jeopardy that involved high drunk. 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how many motorcycle accidents caused by grass clippings