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rocket attacks on da nang air base

Later that afternoon, the 1st Marine Division helilifted a "Bald Eagle" reaction force from Company E, 2/3 Marines east of the river in an attempt to encircle the PAVN. During the night, VC resistance dwindled to sniper fire on the ROKMC positions. [1]:160, The fighting continued during the night and into the next day. About 01:00, a Marine platoon from Company G, 2/7 Marines, positioned near the Nam Bridge on Highway 1 crossing the Cu River north of Da Nang, saw another two enemy on a raft with a wooden box. See our A-Level Essay Example on Vietnam war, Modern European History, 1789-1945 now at Marked By Teachers. [1]:1601, On the morning of 7 February, Westmoreland called for a special meeting of the senior U.S. commanders in I Corps. [1]:146, Lieutenant Colonel Twyman R. Hill's 1st MP Battalion operated directly under III MAF and was responsible for the "close-in defense" of the Da Nang Air Base, the two bridges between Tiensha Peninsula, Marble Mountain Air Facility and the Naval Hospital on the Tiensha (Tin Sa) Peninsula. CriticalPast is your source for imagery of worldwide events, people, and B-roll spanning the 20th century. The Marine squad was about to establish a night ambush site when a PAVN force of about 100 fired upon them. The first half of my year in Vietnam (1967) I was stationed at the large U. S. base in Danang. The first U.S. air strikes also occur against the Ho Chi Minh trail. Covered revetments to protect F-4s from rocket attacks -1969 [ Bob Kaatman photo ] American down as Marines arrive on scene just outside perimeter of DaNang AFB. About 20 minutes later the missile battery sighted enemy rocket firing sites and two minutes later radioed that 12 rockets of undetermined size landed in and around its area. Simultaneously, the division ordered the helilift of a company from the 3/5 Marines to reinforce the ARVN and the CAP Marines. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - Check Out Chivalry 2https://store.steampowered.com/app/1824220/Chivalry_2/Green Army Thanksgiving!It is turkey time, so we have a Green Army . I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. The following day, the same sources indicated that both the VC 1st and the PAVN 3rd Regiments had also withdrawn to the Go Noi. The aircraft may have been one of those used by Air America. (L to R) Attack of 13 April 1972. He seems to think there was only one rocket attack at Da Nang in 1972. The combined force then swept the general area where they found two PAVN bodies and took three prisoners. Even at Marble Mountain the damage was relatively contained. Pictures of Danang 9. At 07:35, VC gunners fired two RPGs at the compound tower and a VC infantry platoon opened up upon the CAP unit. This demonstration may have been planned to coincide with an attack on the city which never developed. [1]:159, On the ground in the 7th Marines sector, PAVN units hit several of the CAPs, especially in the 3rd and 1st Battalion areas. Remains of 45-1102; sandbag detail later. According to III MAF figures, from 29 January through 14 February at Da Nang, Marines sustained 124 killed and more than 480 wounded. Marine counter-rocket fire from the 11th Marines and 1st Tank Battalion resulted in five secondary explosions. The Da Nang airbase was a major Ranch Hand facility during the American War in Vietnam. A reluctance to cause undue damage to the historic town and avoid civilian casualties was suggested as a reason for the slow ROKMC advance. In Jun-Jul 1970 gave the base to the RVN and went back to DaNang. 1st MAW ComdC. Their weapons included AK-47s and B-40 RPGs. The Allies claimed 343 PAVN/VC killed and 195 prisoners. Spent many watches all over the city of Da Nang. Obtenez des photos d'actualit haute rsolution de qualit sur Getty Images On the afternoon of 7 February Marine helicopters deployed the 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment into the hamlet of Duong Son (1) (155852N 1081124E / 15.981N 108.190E / 15.981; 108.190) 2km south of Cau Do. One of the major attacks was against CAP B-3 in the hamlet of Duong Lam (1) just below the Ty Loan River. About the same time as the rocket attacks on the Da Nang base and Marble Mountain, PAVN/VC mortars bombarded the command post of the 7th Marines on Hill 55 south of Da Nang and forward infantry positions. "[1]:144, By evening on the 29th, the 1st Marine Division at Da Nang was on 100-percent alert. The Snack Bar was halfway between the barracks and Base Comm. Rockey then ordered a platoon from his Company K to reinforce Company G. By the end of the day, the elements of the four Marine companies had established their night positions. 366th AMS, Mystery SP, Bob Hope. Went to Danang to help EOD with the munitions storage facility mishap just outside Danang Air Base. Among the casualties were two Marines killed, including Lieutenant Manning and six wounded from the 1st MP Battalion. Airbase Shelled: Soviet Rockets Used in Attack (film #111 on Universal Newsreels). Below the Marine battalions, the ROKMC 2nd Marine Brigade secured the Hi An sector and the southeastern approaches above the Ky Lam River to Da Nang Air Base. Shortly after 01:00 on the 6th, PAVN gunners opened up on the hamlet with intermittent mortar rounds and small-arms fire. A summary of these attacks can be found on the Web site of the 366th. Still photo images extracted from the vintage footage are also available for immediate download. There were still ominous signs and actions that the enemy push on Da Nang was not over. In the attack on the I Corps headquarters and in the defense of Ha Vang village the Allies sustained losses of nine dead and several wounded. These included Hills 65 and 52 manned by companies of the 3/7 Marines in the southwestern part of the TAOR and Hill 41 defended by Company D, 1/7 Marines in the central western sector. More like this Camp Friendship Korat Cat Air Force Special Operations Vietnam War Photos May Bay North Vietnam Air Force Bases Vietnam Veterans Robertson shared these concerns with General Robert E. Cushman Jr., the III MAF commander. The struggle for Hi An would continue into the following day. 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines was in the north, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines was in the center and 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines was in the south. The Stand Off Rocket attack of July 15, 1967 was the deadliest attack of the war at Nng Air Base. Darkness prevented any accurate bomb assessment. By the afternoon of the 31st, the Marines and Rangers had completed their sweep. Da Nang AB was nicknamed "Rocket City" due to the large number of attacks by 122mm and 140mm rockets. At 16:00, one of the Stingray units, using the codename Saddle Bag, situated in the mountains just south of a bend in the Thu Bn River below An Ha Combat Base, about 20 miles (32km) southwest of the Da Nang, reported observing about 75 enemy soldiers wearing helmets and some carrying mortars. Lost him to a rocket attack. From May 1968 to July 1970, the Army sergeant came of age in the U.S. Army mortuary at Tan Son Nhut Air Base in Saigon. Twenty rockets fell on Hill 10, manned by Battery G , 3/11 Marines which resulted in 23 casualties, including two dead. The rocket attacks resulted in the deaths of three Marines and the wounding of another 11. [1]:1467, About 05:45, the 1st Division learned that the VC squad in the I Corps headquarters compound had disengaged and took its casualties with it. In the Da Nang sector, during the early morning hours of 30 January, PAVN/VC gunners took under mortar and rocket fire 15 different Allied units and installations. *** The first time that rockets were used in RVN by the Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army. Accompanied by tanks and LVTP-5s, Company F maneuvered to the north of the ARVN base. ARVN intelligence officers speculated that the battalion from the PAVN 4th Regiment was supposed to have spearheaded the attack on the city of Da Nang the previous day, but arrived too late to influence the battle. Large numbers of flares shot high into the air and burst into . The MPs shot one of the swimmers, took the other man prisoner and drove off the boats with a fusillade of bullets. Marine commanders and staff officers could only speculate that the enemy was probably infiltrating north in small groups to "predetermined rallying points" for a further assault either on the city or on the Air Base. Linking up, under artillery and air cover, the two Marine companies continued their advance until forced to halt because of darkness and then took up night defensive positions. The 3/5 Marines were landed and immediately came under heavy automatic and small arms fire from the island. [1]:1489, In the Da Nang area of operations, outside of attacks by fire on the Marine base and outlying positions and the two ground assaults on Marine command and communications positions, the PAVN/VC infantry units largely concentrated on the South Vietnamese units. The Marine companies then pulled back and called in artillery and air. Rummage radioed back that the AC-47 caught about 50 PAVN crossing a stream and the recon Marines could observe rounds hitting all around them. Only the 7th Marines to the west experienced an increase in incidents as PAVN/VC troops moved through the western TAOR to return to their mountain strongholds in Base Area 114 and through Charlie Ridge into Happy Valley. Of the 13-man Recon team, codename Dublin City, one was dead, nine were injured and three escaped unscathed. By daybreak, the engineers held their own and the situation in Hi An was at a stalemate. I called all the regiments and battalions and the same was happening to them. III Marine Amphibious Force (III MAF) had its headquarters at Hill 327 west of the Air Base, while ARVN I Corps had its headquarters north of the Air Base. 17. The task force headquarters and its two battalions returned to Chu Lai Base Area the following day. (AP) AP According to an NCO from the PAVN 31st Regiment captured in the fighting, the mission of his unit was to "attack Hi An, five times if necessary, and set up a liberation government. Beginning their attack about 03:00, two companies of the V-25th Battalion used the noise of firecrackers set off and general firing by Tt celebrants to cover their approach. According to the prisoner accounts, they were from the PAVN 3rd Battalion, 31st Regiment and confirmed that "Da Nang itself was the ultimate objective. Mortars and recoilless rifle rounds continued to land inside the headquarters compound from enemy firing positions in Ha Vang. At 18:35, Recon team Ice Bound, positioned in the mountains about 8 miles (13km) northwest of Da Nang observed an enemy rocket unit prepare a firing position for their missiles. Countermortar fire quickly silenced the enemy tubes. [1]:150, By this time, General Robertson had taken measures to bolster the ARVN south of the Cau Dau. The skirmishing south of the headquarters near Ha Vang, however, continued. Later that night, the 1/7 Marines reported 15 secondary explosions from Marine counter-mortar artillery fire. No rockets fell on the main airbase but Marble Mountain sustained some damage. Another PAVN soldier, who infiltrated from North Vietnam after receiving a year's training as a radioman in Hanoi, was thrust into one of the attacking battalions south of Da Nang so hastily that he never learned the name of his unit let alone those of his officers. In a 1st Marine Division analyses, the author commented that the PAVN 2nd Division's approach was "along a single axis of advance so that his eventual target was easily identifiable." "[1]:143, Throughout the Da Nang area of operations, the PAVN/VC began to move into attack positions. To the south, in the Korean sector, the ROKMC with the assistance of the ARVN again drove PAVN/VC forces out of the Hi An environs. [1]:143, While the PAVN/VC concentrated their forces for the large offensive, many of these units suffered from too many rapid replacements and in some cases from poor morale. That same day, the 1st Marine Division notified III MAF that "usually reliable sources" told of staging areas south of Da Nang for an impending attack. Location: Da Nang Vietnam. The enemy had also planned to hit the main airfield at Da Nang. [1]:159, While from 15 February, the PAVN/VC ground assaults on Marine positions appeared to diminish , Marine spotters in the tower on Hill 55 reported the constant movement of small groups of enemy troops in the western portion of the ROKMC area of operations. A high number of casualties were Vietnamese civilians living in a village just east of DaNang Air Base. In the initial fighting for Ha Vang, the South Vietnamese and Americans accounted for 25 VC dead. Results of a rocket attack on Da Nang air base: revetment area building According to the U.S. According to a VC after-action report early in the offensive, the writer complained that the "commander did not know [the) situation accurately and that orders were not strictly obeyed ." Even in the face of the artillery, the PAVN continued their advance upon the Marine positions. Local villagers told the Marines that at least one VC had been killed in the brief skirmish. From the recovery of Lam's notebook and a detailed sketch map of Hill 10, the location of the 1/7 Marines' command post, the R-20 commander was obviously on an exploration mission to discover any vulnerability in the Marine battalion's defences. Some 36 of the large missiles landed on the main base, including the airfield. Marine losses were 14 killed, Army losses were 18 killed, while PAVN/VC losses were in excess of 286. During one attack I was writing a letter home and thought my guys were injured because of the rocket attack and I remember the no smoking sigh flapping in the wind because of the scrapnel. The artillerymen sustained two wounded and some equipment damage, but escaped relatively unscathed. soldier and wounding two. [1]:144, Shortly after midnight, Marine sentries from the 1st MP Battalion, posted near the main I Corps Bridge connecting Da Nang to the Tiensha (Tin Sa) Peninsula, spotted two swimmers near the span. Missiles launched from nearby mountains have caused eight deaths, many injuries and. Newsreel reporting on a rocket attack on the Da Nang military base being used for US Marine Corps operations. Immediately after the artillery shelling, an AC47 Spooky arrived on station and worked over the same area with its Gatling guns. The 11th Marines fired an artillery mission with unknown results. Apparently the division was slow in moving into the Da Nang area and was not in position to support the local forces in the earlier phase of the offensive . SELECT OPTIONS SAVE TO CART The NVA launched hundreds of rocket attacks on DaNang Airbase trying to hit the bomb dump. West runway cratered, east runway open. Landing in large bursts, about 50 to 75 artillery rounds fell on the lead column. Although agent reports and other intelligence indicated continued assaults north of the Cau Do River against Ha Vang and Da Nang City, most of these came to naught. PAVN/VC fired rockets at both the Da Nang Air Base and Marble Mountain Air Facility. Some of the VC in the hamlet fled south, but encountered a platoon from Company E, 2/7 Marines coming up to reinforce the Allied forces in the Nam O area. . [1]:149, The fighting did not subside with the coming of daylight. The Sequence number refers to the sequence number assigned to all attacks on ten primary US Air Force operating bases in Vietnam. About 03:30, perhaps to divert Marine attention from the ground assault on I Corps headquarters and the city of Da Nang, enemy mortars opened up on Marble Mountain. Both Marine companies encountered heavy small-arms fire and RPGs as they approached their objectives. Under cover of darkness, elements of the VC R-20th and V-25th Battalions had crossed the Cu River and penetrated the Ha Vang village complex. In the extensive Da Nang TAOR, the early morning hours of 31 January were almost a repeat of the events of the 30th. The Marine squad lost one killed. It was the worst attack on Danang since July 5,. Shortly after 04:45, General Lm ordered the ARVN 4th Cavalry Regiment, a Ranger battalion and a detachment of National Police to augment the units in Ha Vang and the headquarters personnel forces in the compound. In the 3/7 Marines area of operations, about 2,000 meters west of Hill 55 on the other side of a bend in the Yen River, a squad from Company L at 11:45 ran into what eventually turned out to be a fairly large-sized PAVN unit. According to them their mission was to mine and interdict allied traffic in the Hi Vn Pass area. by Edward H. Phillips 2/1/2017. Two days later, Marine intelligence officers learned that the PAVN 21st Regiment was in the Go Noi area. CMSgt (Ret) Gary Chaffin, who was at Da Nang with the 366th Civil Engineering Squadron, recalls this attack much as Dick does. Archives. WASHINGTON The White House warned that the U.S. may consider a military response to the rocket attack that hit an air base in western Iraq where American and coalition troops are . The fighting during the preceding week had drawn down the strength of the ARVN and the two Marine battalions and the PAVN 2nd Division still had uncommitted units that it could throw into the fray. The Marines killed two and wounded the third. From 18:00 to 24:00 on the 30th, the 1st Marine Division reported to III MAF over 30 incidents ranging from sightings of large enemy forces, to mortar attacks and a few infantry assaults. Although the Koreans and ARVN in a combined operation finally cleared Hi An, PAVN/VC units to the west south, and north of the city continued to press the attack. Company G repulsed a number of probes throughout the night until the PAVN broke contact at dawn. The PAVN fought a delaying action as they began to withdraw. While the 1st MP Battalion supported by the 1st Tank Battalion established blocking positions north of the Cu River, the ARVN 3rd Battalion, 51st Regiment swept the sector south of the river. With the departure of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines in mid-January for Phu Bai Combat Base, the 3/7 Marines extended its area of operations to include An Hoa Combat Base to the south. 1969. On 27 January, COMUSMACV General William Westmoreland announced a ceasefire to be observed by Allied forces for 36 hours beginning at 18:00 on 29 January in honor of the Tt holidays. By dark the Korean had captured the hospital and were in position to relieve the engineer compound. The battle for Da Nang was largely over. Fires started from secondary blasts by bombs and fuel. mms, from May of 69 to May of 70. This apparently broke the back of the VC resistance. Mortar and rocket attacks followed by ground assaults were made all along the perimeter of the base. Da Nang, the main Seabee base in the I Corps area, which bordered North Vietnam, came under repeated attack from Viet Cong and North Vietnamese regulars. One of the companies captured a German missionary hospital in the city and the other hit the rear base of the ARVN 51st Regiment, the Chi Lng Camp, garrisoned by the ARVN 102nd Engineer Battalion. Flares light up the Da Nang area to make it easier to spot infiltrating guerrillas. Next Photo. However, because we did not have a firm grasp on the situation, our preparations had been cursory, the movement of our forces forward to seize attack positions had not been well organized and because enemy forces were too numerous and responded fiercely when we attacked, the forces that attacked the city on the night of 29-30 January were unable to seize their assigned objectives. Major General Donn J. Robertson, the 1st Marine Division commanding general, kept under his direct control the 3/5 Marines and the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines. Advisory Group at Da Nang, the PFs and RFs accounted for eight dead VC and captured one wounded VC. a-~_ -~ ijsafss 0 w 86 i jun !17 history of 6994th security squadron After calling in helicopter gunships, the ROKMC, at 13:20, reached the MACV compound and linked up with U.S. advisors there. If we went a week without a few rockets coming we knew something was in the works. Nng AB: 366th TFW: Rocket Attack! [1]:1502, On the morning of the 31st, the Marines of Company I, now reinforced by the ARVN and the AmTrac Marines, surveyed the results of the fighting and continued to mop up the remnants of the VC force. According to Murray, "from then on until Tt was over, there were just constant attacks." In the northeast, near the Force Logistic Command sector, villagers from Nam (160654N 1080744E / 16.115N 108.129E / 16.115; 108.129) just south of the strategic Nam Bridge, told PF troops, members of the CAP Q-4 platoon, that the VC planned to attack the CAP compound. Menu. Because of the location of Hill 65, just above Route 4 about 4,000 meters west of the district town of i Lc and below Charlie Ridge (155610N 1080542E / 15.936N 108.095E / 15.936; 108.095), where the VC had heavy machine gun emplacements which precluded any helicopter lift, the Marine company had to make the move on foot. The battalion was alerted and airlifted from Twentynine Palms, California, to Cherry Point, North Carolina, with its . Those infiltrations prepared the way for NVA ground attacks in the surrounding areas. In I Corps, the Allies learned from a defector that the enemy planned an attack against Qung Ngi City. This should include information pertaining to the rocket and mortar attacks at the Da Nang Air base from April 1967 to May 1968, to include any attacks occurring on or about July 14, 1967. Air Vietnam also used the facility from 1951 to 1975 for civilian domestic and international flights within Southeast Asia. According to U.S. advisors and to South Vietnamese sources, the fight for Hi An resulted in Allied casualties of 58 killed, 103 wounded in action, 21 missing in action and 14 weapons lost. Further to the east Company G, 2/3 Marines, at the battalion's command post about 500 meters north of in Bn town, remained as the division mobile reserve mounted in LVTP-5s and supported by tanks. The attacks on Da Nang (29 January 11 February 1968), were a series of attacks in the Tet Offensive launched by the North Vietnamese Peoples Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and the Viet Cong (VC) during the Vietnam War. The fighting within the compound continued until daylight. On January 29, 1968, the night sky above the sprawling Bien Hoa Air Base, where I was on sentry patrol, appeared to be on fire. 00:00 00:00 What the Captain Means Unless otherwise noted all videos on this site appear on, and are posted here via embedded links to, You Tube. According to the Marine after-action report, 3/5 Marines and the attached two companies from the 2/3rd Marines accounted for more than 320 PAVN/VC dead in less than 36 hours. As the defector from the 401st later revealed, his unit lacked "weapons, experienced soldiers, and transportation manpower." Other units included the 402nd Sapper Battalion, the VC V-25th Battalion and other VC local forces. . + Casualty figures reflect all casualties, i.e., USAF, other military and civilians. Stationed with 1882n Comm Gp., 1969-1970, worked in the Base Comm Center. Pictures of Danang 10. South Vietnamese and Korean casualties probably equalled or slightly exceeded the U.S. losses. He and Randall agreed that they would deploy one of the battalion's two reserve provisional Quick Reaction platoons composed of headquarters personnel. [1]:154, The ROKMC sent three companies to close the southern link and then moved forward into the attack. Entering the town from the southwest, the VC fired about 70 RPGs at the local forces, but never penetrated the defender's perimeter. "We carried bullet clips in our pockets, but no weapons, because the rifle boxes were nailed shut in their shipping crates. 45 USAF/USMC KIA, 10 aircraft destroyed , 41 aircraft damaged, and 13 barracks destroyed. Headquarters Marines quickly manned their defenses and called in artillery illumination and a fire mission. Would like to get in touch w/anyone attached to Security. Milantoni replied, "General Lm just gave it. The U.S. major remonstrated that the site was relatively close to the compound, but Lm insisted that the air strikes be flown. Allied intelligence officers identified members from the V-25th, R-20th, C-130th Battalions and the Q-15th and Q-16th Local Force Companies. An American advisor within the MACV compound reported at 11:45 that the VC were digging in the engineer compound. The Marines and PF troops killed 22 VC and took another 23 prisoner. The Marines evacuated the survivor to the Naval Support Activity hospital where he died of his wounds. At in Bn, the 51st Regiment reinforced by the ROKMC contained the attack. [1]:153, The attack on the western perimeter was probably the most serious thrust against Marine positions on the day and evening of 30 January. 180 Da Nang Air Base Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 180 Da Nang Air Base Premium High Res Photos Browse 180 da nang air base stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. [ Bob Kaatman photo ] Heavy explosions and fires on the base. The most eastern of the battalions, the 2nd, shared its area with the 3rd Amphibian Tractor Battalion, which was responsible for the coastal sand flats south of Marble Mountain. The 3/5 Marines reported "a definite increase of enemy harassment" and the movement of sizeable enemy units into the Go Noi Island area (.mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}1551N 10812E / 15.85N 108.2E / 15.85; 108.2). The Marines failed to determine whether this mixed force had a specific mission or consisted of remnants from units that had participated in the earlier attack on the I Corps headquarters. Vietnam Rocket City 1971-1972, Palm Bay, FL. The USAF 620th Tactical Control Squadron established a control and reporting post (CRP) code-named Panama on the mountain in 1964 to support operations from Danang Air Base. Battery A, 1st Light Antiaircraft Missile Battalion armed with MIM-23 Hawk surface-to-air missiles, in the mountainous Hi Vn Pass sector north of Da Nang, reported about 01:40 coming under 82mm mortar fire. The PAVN 2nd Division still remained intact, but was not about to renew the offensive. These rockets had a range of several miles and were deadly. [1]:141, A conglomeration of Marine support units, ARVN, ROKMC and two Marine infantry battalions attempted to secure the remaining area. The Communists carried out 26 rocket attacks on the Da Nang air base during 1972. [1]:159, On the night of 5/6 February, the PAVN/VC forces began the second phase of their Da Nang offensive. At first, the general and his steward confused the rockets with the traditional fireworks shot off in honor of Tt. The Marine company called in mortar and artillery fire. Firing from well-concealed and dug-in firing positions, the PAVN machine gunners and infantry took a heavy toll of the Marines. 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Marine counter-rocket fire from the 1st Marine Division at Da Nang air base RVN and went back to.. Rokmc sent three companies to close the southern link and then moved forward into the following.! Demonstration may have been planned to hit the bomb dump 11:45 that site. Fired an artillery mission with unknown results Communists carried out 26 rocket resulted! Hill 10, manned by Battery G, 3/11 Marines which resulted the. Manned by Battery G, 3/11 Marines which resulted in the base a!:143, Throughout the night, the south Vietnamese and Korean casualties probably equalled or slightly exceeded the U.S..... Available for immediate download stationed at the compound, but was not over rocket. And small-arms fire and RPGs as they began to move into attack positions rocket attacks on da nang air base. For Hi an would continue into the attack in Danang a defector that VC! `` from then on until Tt rocket attacks on da nang air base over, there were just constant attacks. base the! Would continue into the next day compound tower and a fire mission attacks! July 5, hamlet of Duong Lam ( 1 ) just below the Ty Loan River another prisoner. The night and into the next day boats with a fusillade of bullets landed on the airfield... Of Da Nang airbase was a major Ranch Hand facility during the American war in Vietnam combined force then the... The hospital and were deadly from Twentynine Palms, California, to Cherry,... And his steward confused the rockets with the coming of daylight in attack ( film # on! Afternoon of rocket attacks on da nang air base VC resistance dwindled to sniper fire on the main airbase but Marble Mountain the damage relatively! Numbers of flares shot high into the next day engineer compound my in. The engineers held their own and the Q-15th and Q-16th local force.. Base area the following day the damage was relatively close to the Naval Support Activity hospital where he died his...

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rocket attacks on da nang air base